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Saturday, October 30, 2010

I found my old blog....

It's right where I left it...with no password to access it. What a waste.
I went to the NIH this week. It was a quick three day trip and I had less than a 1% growth. Now this is absolutely the best news and now I can relax. The key to survival is......
Diet and exercise and some much needed self love....
How often do we ridicule ourselves for just being us? How often do you find yourself putting yourself down. I'm guilty of it and really tired of it. I can sit there and be depressed about how life has turned out or... I can change my way of thinking and be more positive. I like the latter.
I'm hoping that with all of this new information that I will be a better me. Help to create a positive healing environment for my family and myself.
I sound like a self help book.
I found out yesterday that a good family friend passed away. Someone we all thought could fight forever and in all actuality live forever. I know that's not possible but it seems to me that the strong ones are always taken first. My mom, was the strongest woman I to my grandma of coarse... Jimmy, you will be missed.
I know my thoughts ramble on. I try to make sense of the thoughts in my head but they still come out so jumbled. When I am tired or overly excited then I start to stutter....It's actually kind of funny. Well, time to start my day.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Today is day one...

I am back on here with a new name and new blog because I was unable to retrieve my password due to computer issues. I sure have missed this outlet from my life. It seems that if we talk about our problems we feel better but not in the way I want. I actually hate complaining..... It takes up too much energy and gives me a headache. After the headache it just puts me in a funk for a long time. No one likes to feel that least I hope they don't.
Let's see where to begin. I have another blog on here that starts this journey.... I actually went through the worst part of my diagnosis on that site. I'll try to find the link and post it on here if anyone wants to read it.
Life is pretty good lately. I am feeling good, eating right and exercising. I read all the time and aspire to write children's books someday. Maybe even my own memoirs but who would read them. I just think there's so much to tell everyone and so much to learn from everyone as well.
On this journey I have met some pretty amazing people. Before I tell you about them I should backtrack a bit and tell you about me.
I'm a 35 year old mother of two and wife to an amazing man. I was diagnosed two years ago with a condition called Neurofibromatosis type 2 and Chiari Malformation. Wow!!! Yeah that's a mouthful....In plain speak.... I have brain and spinal tumors and a lot of them...In upwards of 20-30. Before you gasp and say "Oh my God!!!" , they aren't cancerous. They are benign and slow growing so the prognosis isn't really that bad. I keep telling myself that. LOL
I had surgery on 8/25/08 to have 5 tumors removed. My doctor was amazing and really helped me see the outlook of my life. Tumors, deafness, blindness, etc....
What a bunch of crap to look forward to. Scares the shit out of me to tell you the truth. So, what did I do? I started reading, anything and everything. I'm reading a book a day and can't get enough. I'm going to continue until the inevitable happens...if it does in fact happen. I'm holding off as long as possible on the surgeries for the tumors in my ears and close to my eyes.
I am still working and still running the household. I am waking up everyday with the quote " I Choose Life" written on my bathroom mirror. This is my life and this is how I choose to live it. I figure we all have a choice, right?