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Saturday, October 30, 2010

I found my old blog....

It's right where I left it...with no password to access it. What a waste.
I went to the NIH this week. It was a quick three day trip and I had less than a 1% growth. Now this is absolutely the best news and now I can relax. The key to survival is......
Diet and exercise and some much needed self love....
How often do we ridicule ourselves for just being us? How often do you find yourself putting yourself down. I'm guilty of it and really tired of it. I can sit there and be depressed about how life has turned out or... I can change my way of thinking and be more positive. I like the latter.
I'm hoping that with all of this new information that I will be a better me. Help to create a positive healing environment for my family and myself.
I sound like a self help book.
I found out yesterday that a good family friend passed away. Someone we all thought could fight forever and in all actuality live forever. I know that's not possible but it seems to me that the strong ones are always taken first. My mom, was the strongest woman I to my grandma of coarse... Jimmy, you will be missed.
I know my thoughts ramble on. I try to make sense of the thoughts in my head but they still come out so jumbled. When I am tired or overly excited then I start to stutter....It's actually kind of funny. Well, time to start my day.

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